


A solidão é uma doença cruel que pode atacar qualquer pessoas de qualquer sexo, idade, raça, cor, credo, estado civil ou condição social.


One of today's shortcomings is the lack of communication. Amazing to talk about that in an era of internet, media, and social networks, approaching the far and distant from the next. But it is true, more and more people have difficulty communicating, of making themselves understood and also understand the other. This generates a series of secondary problems, which in turn bring unfortunate people or more seriously, bring diseases such as deep anxiety or depression.


It all starts by loneliness. One feels that something is missing, that for most people who are around you, no one can understand you, or see you in its purest essence. When it is in this state only see all gray, it's like being in the middle of a fog where you can not see a way out, even if it is a few inches from your nose.

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Unconsciously these lonely people, although not esteajm alone, seek mechanisms to escape the solitude, and for that seek solutions where usually there. Some flee for reading, music, art, which is less evil, but that in any way does not bring what we actually need is the living presence of another living being.


Some, however, escape by more aggressive tangents, either by drinking (sometimes viewed alcoholics) or by food (in this case viewed obese), sometimes by sex (a relationship for night), the speed (to kill the pleasure something that excites them and increase adrenaline) all in an attempt to find something that they fill the void that's inside you.


None of this replaces the presence of another person, a friend, a lover, a colleague at last, someone has affinity.


Often this does not happen and the person, not to have a shoulder to lean on, an ear to listen to you ends up giving it all up, in some cases, even to live.


This is a very controversial issue and it is sometimes treated as myth, preventing that is widely discussed and debated more academic and responsible manner. In my opinion, instead of avoiding it and thus allow the discussions without giving reasons in chat wheels, the better to promote an informed discussion on research and serious studies that exist on the subject.


Loneliness can be the gateway to many serious diseases.


Yesterday I heard from a friend the following sentence: "Against loneliness of the human being only the friendly presence of another human being." Mind you, it is a "friendly presence" is no presence. And then comes the question, how can a young feel lonely in the midst of other young people? How can a child feel lonely in the middle of so many of the family? How can an elderly feel lonely being surrounded by children and grandchildren?


Sometimes it's surrounded by people does not mean feel welcomed, safe, understood and loved.


How often do we fail also, when we look at our neighbor, our colleague, our family and did not realize that he asks for help silently. He no longer supports the weight of their problems to us perhaps were not so difficult to solve. How many times he just wants attention, a smile, a hug, an affection or a cuddle. And we indifferently we follow with our own loneliness without realizing that with our love and our solidarity can solve both problems - ours and his - at once!


Against loneliness we have to exercise solidarity.