

Governador é alvo de protesto de alunos da Uespi em Campo Maior

O protesto fez parte de uma série que pede a revogação da lei 6.772 de 02 de março de 2016


The governor Wellington Dias was met with protest from students of the State University of Piauí (UESPI) on the afternoon of Saturday (30) in Campo Maior. The PT came to participate in a game of festive football against the Brazilian National Team Master and encountered tracks and university slogans. 

The protest was organized on Saturday morning, when it was confirmed the presence of Wellington in Campo Maior. In social networks, the college gathered in groups and planned the movement. In large numbers, the students sang and displayed posters on the arrival of the governor's entourage. 

The protest was part of a series that seeks the repeal of the law 6772 of 2 March 2016, which the students affect the institution. According to the text approved by the Assembly legislated, not allowed to change the level of teachers, avoiding the career plan and salary. 

"The government says it will withdraw UESPI, but other state agencies will continue. We asked for the repeal of the law. We ask framework for campus interior, effective teachers with master's degree, doctorate. We need to improve the level UESPI the MEC evaluations and maintenance of scholarships, "explained the university Engracia Adelia, 21 years. 


The governor spoke to protesters and argued that the institution will be removed from the text of the 6772 state law. He said he visited the university campus in Teresina and knows the problems faced by students. 


STRIKE - The grounds of the manifesto on Saturday (30) are the same that were defended when the strike was triggered by the university administraitivos teachers and technicians on the 18th of April. 

VISIT - Wellington delivered ambulances and attended the soccer match that celebrated Labour Day in Campo Maior. Against the Brazilian National Master, the team tied for Days 1-1.  

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Por Otávio Neto

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