

Cocal de Telha se mobiliza para relembrar o dia “18 de Maio”

CRAS, CREAS, CMDCA, Conselho Tutelar e Assistência Social se reuniram para discutir ações estratégia para o dia 18 de Maio.


With representatives of the Municipal Social Action and Citizenship, Guardianship Council, Social Assistance Reference Center (CRAS), Specialized Reference Center for Social Assistance (CREAS) and the Municipal Council for the Rights of Children and Adolescents-CMDCA happened in morning of Monday (02) a strategic meeting for the preparation of the activity plan to celebrate the 18th of May day to Combat Sexual Abuse and Exploitation of Children and Adolescents.

At the meeting we discussed the main actions to remember the date and disseminate the means to effectively combat sexual abuse and exploitation of children and adolescents. Among the proposals approved are conducting leafleting campaign in trade and distribution of stickers highlighting the date and dial 100. essay contest and a great contest and informative talk with education and health professionals.


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protection of network entities will be invited to collaborate. It will be sent press releases and call for the Military Police, prosecutors, federal police and others. According to the Organizing Committee, will be 4 days of much movement complementing the ordinary actions already taken during the year. From 15 to 18 May.