

Garis de Campo Maior participam de palestra motivacional

A tecnóloga Valquíria Costa, do estado do Tocantins, foi quem conduziu as atividades.


Servers Major field of public cleanliness participated on Thursday (26/04) of a cycle of lectures held by the Foundation Restore in partnership with the city hall. The program brought together guidance on Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD), the importance of teamwork and a motivational speech.


The technologist Valkyrie Costa, the state of Tocantins, was the one who led the activities. According to her, the purpose of the meeting is to show participants how simple actions can prevent serious diseases transmitted through sex and how teamwork brings good results on a daily basis.


"Personal hygiene, not sharing personal items condom use and routine tests are measures to be taken by them to avoid health complications. In many cases, an entire family that depends only work; that person does not have poor health. Already motivation is important to work to have good results. He will exercise his profession with self-esteem, "he said.


The Secretary of Cleaning and Public Lighting, Achilles Lustosa, praised the initiative of the Foundation Restore by stating that motivated servers produce more. The secretary also recalled the actions already taken by the organization in partnership with the city for the qualification of cleaning servers. 


"The Foundation is a partner of the office. It has helped in the recovery of our employees. Raffle giveaways, uniforms delivery, personal protective equipment delivery and lectures are actions already taken. Motivate and inform our street sweepers are signs that they have produced more and satisfied way, "he added.


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Lecture series

On Wednesday (27), was the time of the servers cleaning the city of Pedro II receive guidance. The technologist Valkyrie Costa lectured on STDs, safety, skin care, motivational and finished the realization of dynamics that pointed to the importance of teamwork. 

Por Otávio Neto

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