

PT de Campo Maior realiza festa em comemoração aos 36 anos do partido

Eles comentaram sobre a crise política nacional, avaliaram como positivo o momento em que vive Campo Maior e que acreditam no nome do Professor Ribinha para suceder Paulo Martins na Prefeitura.

On Saturday (16) the large number of people Attended the Country Club Yacht High to hold a celebration of 36 years of the Workers Party. Sympathizers and supporters fraternized and Also commented on the most palpitating issue in the current history of Brazil, the political crisis, avaliado the positive the team you live in Campo Maior and who believe in the name of Teacher Ribinha to succeed Paul Martin at City Hall.

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The event was Attended by Campo Mayor Major, Paulo Martins, the pre-candidate for Mayor, Teacher Ribinha, Raimundo Pereira, president of the municipal PT, the State Secretaries of Government, Solano Merlong and Francisco Limma Rural Development, municipal councilors and other site leaders, in addition to historical PT, Luis Edwirgens who was one of the party's founders in Brazil with Luis Inacio Lula da Silva.


The meeting Also was Attended by the leaders of the region to the Mayor of Cocal tile, Ana Celia (PP), deputy mayor of Nazareth NS, Gercina Carvalho (PT), the deputy mayor of Sigefredo Pacheco, Mazim (PT), the Sigefredo health secretary, Neto Soares (PT), the former mayor of Sigefredo, Neto Sampaio and Among others.

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Por Weslley Paz

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