

Prefeitura de Cocal de Telha realiza a 3ª Feira da Agricultura Familiar

A feira aconteceu na Praça São José Operário organizada pela Secretaria Municipal de Agricultura e o STTR


It happened on Sunday morning (24) the 3rd edition of the Fair of Family Agriculture Tile Cocal. The event organized by Tile Cocal Hall through the Municipal Agriculture and Food Supply and the Union of Rural Workers with the support of the Entrepreneur House and the Municipal Infrastructure Secretariat.


The Fair aims to provide family cocatelhense farmers the opportunity to market their productions generating an income. With live music in the show reflects the creative and efficient way of field man in enfrrentamento crisis.



The Mayor of Tile Cocal attended the event and took the opportunity to highlight the value of family farming for the city and congratulated the organization and especially farmers. We have done quite the man of the field and thanks to important partnerships happens strengthening of the relationship between agriculture and city hall. According to the management the fair is growing every edition, increases the participation of the farmer as well as growing attendance of people to buy. He ended.



Among the officials present at the fair were Councilwoman Karyne the Rodrigão see. Leandro, View. Porteira Chico, Ver. Valdinar Martins. See. Deusinha, municipal Secretaries and Heads of Departments and other personalities.


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