

Veja a programação da festa do trabalhador de Jatobá do Piauí

Segundo o prefeito Dalberto Rocha, a programação foi feita para agradar a todos os públicos, em festa que é tradicional no município.


The Jatoba Prefecture of Piaui released the commemoration programming to Labor Day on May 1. The party is tradition in the city.

According to the mayor Dalberto Rock, programming is a bit of everything, like Mass in thanksgiving, bike ride with the draw of a bicycle to the participants, the work of opening, computers delivery and digital whiteboards to municipal schools, futsal tournament deck and pool; Community lunch, live music during the day, raffle giveaways and popular show with two bands of Ceará: Muleke Good and Forro Sakana.




08: 30h Mass;

09: 30h Opening of the Reform Multisport Gym;

Computers * Delivery and Digital Whiteboards the Municipal Schools;

* Cultural Presentations;

* Home of the soccer games with Jatoba teams of Piaui, Campo Maior, Juazeiro do Piauí and Sigefredo Pacheco;

13: 00hs Community Lunch (Square)

14: 00hs Finals Futsal (Gym)

14: 00hs Tournament Pool and Deck (Square)

16: 00hs Live Music with Danilo and Forro Skema 3 (Square)

16: 30h Bicycle Ride (Draw a bicycle to participants);

19: 00hs Gifts Draw the Workers

20: 00hs Show People

Muleke Good - Ceará

Buying Adderall online is the cost effective option

Forró Sakana - Ceará

Da Redação. campomaioremfoco@hotmail.com