

Prefeitura de Boa Hora deve 04 meses de salários aos servidores da educação

Os servidores reclamam que até agora o Prefeito não informou quando vai ser o pagamento do mês de dezembro de 2012, dezembro de 2014 e novembro e dezembro de 2015.

 Foto: Reprodução

The Good Time Prefecture due to the watchmen, janitors, secretaries of schools and teachers in the municipal education Good Time total 04 months of wages that should be paid for the work of these professionals sweat.

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The Workers' Union will hold a meeting on the 16th January at 09am in the morning in the City Council to discuss this and other issues. They also require the mayor approved the salary increase since January 2015 and the new 2016 adjustment.


The servers complain that until now the mayor did not say when will be the month of payment of December 2012, December 2014 and November and December 2015.


The meeting should be attended by representatives of the Central Workers Union (CUT) and the union's lawyer.


The In Focus tried to contact Joe Mayor Resende, but failed. However, the space is open if the manager has an interest in clarifying the matter.

Por Weslley Paz