

Mulher vai a óbito em fila dos Correios de Campo Maior. Quem conta é F. Roytman, na volta do seu Blog

F. Roytaman volta com tudo no Blog Roytman Total. Empresas decretando falência e quase falência do Hospital Regional de Campo Maior estão em pauta

 O belo jardim do HRCM esconde o péssimo atendimento de alguns profissionais. Ainda bem que tem os bons

*****MY GOD...

Guys ... gasp .. Otem a woman died in the post office in Campo Maior ... also had been able to ... long lines ... missing employees and is to be regretted that fact witnessed yesterday ... the saddest was the granddaughter witness all ... When will the public will be respected and these queues will end? And to complete or employees or customers are safe in the agency and anything can happen.

***** Another company closes its doors in the little land ... this time of baking branch, and the first was the pharmaceutical industry ... it is sad to Campo Maior ... bad for the economy and demotivating for families who invest here ... I have faith in Dus still come a time when companies can be opened and grow ... and on top here in the little land is common practice to labor claims of people who come to the frame employees and three months put the employer in the labor courts, and another reason that lead to close the doors ... indeed .. what have people out there who do not want to work, will you not written viu..mas love playar at night with face millionaires and take wave of cool ...

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****** Woe to us if not the front attendants, those nurses and nursing assistants, Field Regional Hospital Greater ... It is they who actually work ... fortunately examine patients ... what relieves a little ... because they depend on some médicos..kkkkk ... we are screwed .. they even look patients in the eye and now prescribe injection ... clear an injection features a production and they get so high . This approach is usually attributed to some doctors who come from the capital ... until it seems they are doing for our health ... ta very sick saw ... lazy.

Da Redação. campomaioremfoco@hotmail.com