

Boqueirão do Piauí realizará o dia “D” da Campanha de Vacinação contra Gripe

Veja os locais de vacinação, quem pode tomar a dose e sobre os efeitos da vacina.

 Posto de Saúde Agenor Cardoso

The Boquierão Prefecture of Piaui, through the municipal secretary of Health, began mobilization for the "D Day" vaccination against influenza A H1N1, which will be in the next day 30/04 , so Saturday all day . Vaccination happen in the Health Center Agenor Cardoso and College Geronimo Abreu.

According to the Ministry of Health, the vaccine is trivalent, ie protects against three influenza viruses, including H1N1. The vaccine takes effect after 15 days applied.


  • Children aged 06 months to 05 years;
  • pregnant women;
  • Seniors from 60 years ;
  • diabetics;
  • People with chronic diseases;
  • Mothers until 45 days after delivery.

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vaccination posts:

  • Dispensary Agenor Cardoso - Time: 08:00 pm to 16:00 pm.
  • College Geronimo Abreu - Time from 08:00 pm to 16:00 pm.

Frank Borges