

Boa Hora bate Cabeceiras e fica com o título da Copa Estudantil Sub-20

O jogo em Boa Hora contra Cabeceiras, no estádio Sampaião e recebeu um grande público.


A total of ten territories, Student Cup Soccer U-20 already defined the title of champion in four of them. Over the weekend, it was the turn of Carnaubais, where the selection of Boa Hora lifted the title after defeating in the end, the representative of Cabeceiras, 1 to 0, Dé headed goal. The other winners were: Santa Cruz dos Milagres (Valley Sambito), Luiz Correia (Coastal Plain) and Luzilândia (Cocais). The second phase will be the clash between the territorial champions until they are known the four semi-finalists who will compete for the title Teresina maximum 2016 champion.


The game against Boa Hora Cabeceiras in Sampaião stadium received a large audience and was directed by the referee Renato Pereira de Araujo, assistant Carlos Augusto Alves de Sousa and Sergio Murilo de Sousa Silva, all of Campo Maior. Good staff time consisted of: Ronaldo; Sylvester James, Cristiano Ronaldo and Manoel; Isaias, Bruno Play, Bruno Paulinho (Toinho) and Taca (Ney Carlos); Dé and Leo. Coach: Raimundo Bodó. For Cabeceiras played: Luciano; Fabricio (Mauritius), Wildefran, Cece and Luke; Marcos Paulo Soares (Marquinhos), and Jairo Marcos Júnior (Vitor); Lucielton and Osmar. Coach: Marcos Lopes.

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The selection of Bora Time, champion, received the award in honor of the city's mayor, José Araújo Resende, and Cabeceiras, vice-champion, took the trophy in honor of the mayor of the municipality, José Joaquim de Sousa Carvalho, both delivered by the director Sports of Piaui the Sports Foundation (Fundespi), Joaquim Martins Junior. Athletes from the two teams also received medals.


Copa Student Piauiense Under-20 Football, an event promoted by the State Government, through the Fundespi also had other games in the round of the weekend. It was them:


Territory Vale do Rio Caninde - last qualifying games
Oeiras 3 x 1 Simplicio Mendes
Conceicao do Caninde x São Francisco do Piauí, was not carried out for lack of security

Valley territory of Piaui and Rio Itaueiras - semifinal
Paes Landim 3 x 2 Itaueiras
Socorro Piaui 1 x 1 Ribeira do Piauí on penalties, Socorro 5 x 4


Source: Ascom Fundespi 

Por Otávio Neto