

Município de Cocal de Telha realizará a 2ª Feira de Agricultura Familiar

Depois do sucesso da Feira da Agricultura Familiar realizada no dia 13 de Dezembro dentro da programação do aniversário da cidade no ano passado, a Prefeitura de Cocal de Telha realizará a 2ª edição da feira neste domingo, dia 31.


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The event will gather at St. Joseph the Worker from 7 am many family farmers of all regions of Cocal Tile Square, where they will have the opportunity to exhibit and sell regional products, home-made productions, animals, crafts and traditional cuisine.

The event is being organized by the city of Cocal tile through the Municipal Agriculture and Supply with the Rural Workers Union support, Entrepreneur of the House, Environmental Education Center and Assessoria- CEAA.

Earlier on Wednesday, the Deptocom team was with the Municipal Secretariat of Agriculture and Supply, Viviane Martins, where he said that the expectation is to have the presence of a public record. "Our biggest goal is to open is to strengthen and transform the exhibition into a permanent movement, seeking the disclosure of which is already being produced by farmers and rural producers," said the secretary Viviane.