

Idoso de Campo Maior desaparece misteriosamente em Castelo do Piauí

A polícia local foi acionada e iniciou diligências em busca do idoso. Os investigadores acreditam que ele não consiga chegar muito longe e deve estar na região.


A man mysteriously disappeared on the afternoon of Saturday (16) in the town of Castelo do Piauí. Family noticed the lack of old Antonio Pereira de Oliveira and decided to prosecute.

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He was born in Campo Maior, but it was the home of a sister in the rural community Vila Nova, in Castelo. Last Saturday Anthony disappeared without a trace.

Local police were called and brought proceedings seeking the elderly. Researchers believe that it can not get too far and should be in the region - between Castle and São Miguel do Tapuio. 

Family members have provided two phone numbers that you have information about the whereabouts of Antonio Pereira de Oliveira: (86) 3247 1401 or (86) 99 866 1165.   

In the photo released by the family, Antonio looks about 60 years old, dark and of medium height. 


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