

Trabalho: Prefeitura de Cocal de Telha inicia a construção da UBS do Cocalinho.

Povoado do Cocalinho vai ganhar uma UBS e mais um poço para garantir o abastecimento de água na região.


The mayor of tile Ana Celia Cocal (PP) visited this Saturday (16) together with the municipal secretaries of Health and Infrastructure, Adalberto Pereira and son of Cleuta respectivamente the construction of the village Basic Health Unit Cocalinho. The interventions Began Long Ago and are part of the City Hall works package que Also Provides for the drilling of another well for expansion of the water supply in the locality.

"The work has already started and soon begins to take shape. It will be a complete basic unit, dental, pharmacy and room dressing with a capacity to house health teams. With UBS Building will Ensure quick access to all health Tile Cocal," said the mayor.

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The unit will feature vaccine rooms, procedures, dressing and waiting; in addition to medical, dental and gynecological offices, warehouse, storage, kitchen, reception, file, filing, brushodrome, adapted toilets, parking. UBS will benefit around 300 families directly relieving the post headquarters.