

Colisão na PI 115 deixa jovem de 21 anos com fraturas graves

A forte pancada fraturou uma perna e um dos braços do motoqueiro.

 Foto: Mais Castelo

An accident in the PI 115, near the town of Castelo do Piaui, left the motorcyclist seriously injured in last Thursday (14/01). According to police, the victim was the young John Paul Vieira Kings, 21, who was treated and taken to the Emergency Hospital in Teresina (HUT). 

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People Told the portal More Castle Paul Vieira drove a motorcycle at high speed on the highway When he cam across the model D-20 car making a conversion in front of you. The young man held maneuver to try to divert and avoid the accident but ended up crashing into the back of the D-20. 

The strong blow fractured the leg and one of the motorcyclist's arms. He received the first calls at the site, but was Transferred to the HUT in Teresina. The car driver left the scene of the accident.


Photo: More Castle 


Photo: Portal Samita 

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