

Pescador é encontrado morto e outro segue desaparecido em Castelo do Piauí

Um corpo foi encontrado, enquanto outros dois seguem desaparecidos na barragem.

 Foto: Portal CDP

Updated at 21:18

People heard by In Focus said the body found in the early evening of Thursday (14) in Castelo do Piauí dam is the farmer Francisco Alcides Tavares de Sousa. He and his friend Luis Oliveira Marcelino disappeared this afternoon to be swept away by the force of the water. Luis and Francisco tried to help two friends dam wall slipped. 

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Posted at 20:25

In the early afternoon of Thursday (14/01) at least three fishermen disappeared in the waters of the dam of the city of Piaui Castle. The fire department team was thrown and one of the bodies was found in the late afternoon. The other two are still missing and the search will proceed this Friday. 

"One of the missing bodies were found just now. Let's identify it first and Then We sure who it is. Search works Were interrupted During the night and come back tomorrow to get the other two bodies," said the council's delegate Laércio Evangelista to In Focus. 

Of the three missing fishermen, two had disclosed the names: Luis Marcelino de Oliveira and Francisco Alcides Tavares de Sousa. Witnesses said friends Were experienced and well Knew the dam.

The showers of rain que hit the region in recent days have Carnaubais motivated fishermen. volume of water in the dam and Considerably Caused strong currents rose. 

The delegate of Castle County, Laercio Evangelista said que in addition to the force of the water, another factor que contributed to the tragedy Involving the three friends had Been drinking. 

"They consumed alcohol before venturing into the dam. One drowned and the other two Were trying to help and ended Also disappearing. One of Them escaped with his life," he said. 


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