

Justiça anula eleição e afasta Ispo da presidência do Caiçara

Nova eleição deve acontecer no Caiçara no prazo de 30 dias.


The judge of the 2nd stick of Campo Maior, Julius Caesar de Menezes Garcez, through an injunction, dismissed the President of Rascal Francisco Ispo and called new elections for Northern Lion board. The decision on Wednesday (13/04) considered that the current president was elected illegally. 

After a lawsuit filed by Dilson Lis Trinity, the judge interpreted that there were irregularities in the process that elected Ispo for presidency of the club. In the decision, Judge Julius Caesar explains that the team's status - which changed the term of office from two to three years - has been modified on the same day of the meeting that elected Ispo.

With the injunction, the election of last January is annulled and new elections must take place in Caiçara within 30 days. Francisco Ispo was removed and the President of the Sports Court of Piaui, Joseph of Egypt Barbosa, named as intervenor in Campo Maior club. 


Judge called a new election within 30 days (Photo: Playback)

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